Thursday, June 9, 2016

Another beautiful day in the NW

First, I couple of things I forgot:

This is not Rob & Joanne's cow, but it's a picture of one that looks like the one(s) that they have.

The other thing I meant to say yesterday and forgot is that the fact that the Puget Sound area is holding emergency preparedness simulations and putting time, money, and energy into shoring up roads and bridges makes me feel better about the safety of my friends and family in the area, and also feel a little more positive about the possibility of living in the this area. There are other practicalities that will probably prevent it, but I do love it here.

I am happy I got up in time to see Mira off this morning and then have breakfast with the rest of the family. By the time Rose was headed out to the bus stop, I was nearly ready to go; so when Joanne came down the driveway with some items Rose had forgotten, I offered to take them to her at school. I thought I would just drop the bag off at the office, but the secretary offered for me to actually go up to her classroom and deliver it in person. It was nice to see her wonderful smile one more time before I left.

I hung out in Vashon for a bit and missed the 10:30 ferry to Southworth, but I caught the next one and was back in Kingston by 2:00. Nancy and Dick have some friends who are dealing with a sick parent right now, so Nancy has been helping watch their young children. Remy and I spent most of the afternoon in the bedroom with the door closed, but I did get some laundry done and had a shower. 

Dick and Nancy had supper plans with another couple and invited me along. I had amazing tacos and wonderful conversation. Remy was silent and invisible next to me on the floor. 

Since Nancy will have the small ones again tomorrow, I will go back to Port Townsend one more time, this time to meet up with a school friend who used to be our across-the-street neighbor, Kurt VanderSluis. He's offered to cook me salmon. Mmmmm. And another trip to PT will take me by the Chimicum Farmstand again, so I'll probably get some more of their amazing chocolate to bring back with me.

I really love the Pacific Northwest. Bruce Bode said my Sacred Space would have as good a chance of succeeding here as anywhere because of the nature of the people. Taking it under advisement.

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