Saturday, April 16, 2016

The countdown continues

I kind of ran out of time to write yesterday. Between continuing to work, saying good-bye to friends, and minding all kinds of details about selling the house, putting things in storage, selling items on craigslist, planning routes, repairing and cleaning things in the house, etc., the day got away from me.

So, let's catch up. The home buyers have switched their financing again, but we are all still hopeful that we can finish this up and get the papers signed before I have to leave. I had the pleasure of showing them (Katye and Trevor) around the planted areas of my yard and telling them what kinds of plants are there. In the process, I could tell stories about the history of my time here, and they are very appreciative, which I enjoy. I also was able to pass along a wonderful Winnie-the-Pooh bear for their future offspring.

I haven't talked to Tayler this week, but she has a lot on her plate right now, preparing to graduate and dancing in numerous end-of-the-year programs. I feel confident that we have little to arrange.

I had a heavier tire put on my bike this week, and next week The Freewheeler will add some handlebar extensions that they had to order. They also replaced the chain and did some general maintenance work. I'm so excited to get out on the road in this lovely weather, but some other detail seems to always be getting in the way.

This afternoon, for example, will be a furniture-moving time. My wonderful friend, Annie, is going to buy and remove my fold-out couch and matching ottoman. I'm also storing the 3 pieces of furniture I'm keeping at her house, so we'll move those at the same time: metal cabinet, IKEA chair and stool. She also has another couch to pick up, so I'll help with that.

Tomorrow is full of activities, as well, but if I can get myself up early enough, I can bicycle to Jenison to play the church service in the morning and take a long loop getting back before going to a recital at GVSU and a farewell dinner with friends.

Sometimes I feel as though I'm in a vortex that's sucking me into an unknown future, and the speed is increasing. I know that, on May 1, I'm going to get on my bicycle with Remy, begin riding, and keep riding for weeks. I know that I don't know much about what's ahead. I like this feeling. It's very freeing. Not owning a lot of stuff is liberating, as well.

By the end of the weekend, I should be down to just a couple of pieces of furniture, one set of dishes and a couple of pans, my packed bags for the trip, and a tub of clothes, most of which will be stored at the very last minute.

Some of the hugs I've been getting say: "I wish you weren't going. I don't know if I'll ever see you again." I try to remember that we never know when we say good-bye whether we'll see the person again. I want to make every hug like that.

Hugs to you all!

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