Friday, April 1, 2016

Ups and downs of preparation

Another week has passed. Both roommates are gone, and it's mighty quiet around here. In spite of some of the difficulties I had with the last two, particularly, I don't know how I lived alone for such a long time prior to taking in my first roommate in September of 2014. 

Since motivation has been becoming an issue lately -- making myself get out and ride, and continuing to organize the stuff I want to keep into tubs and boxes for transport to Annie's, and getting rid of the last few items -- I visited my friendly, neighborhood naturopath today, and I already feel slightly better. 

I also sat down over dinner with Tayler, the person who has agreed to drive SAG support for me across the country. She is as delightful, thoughtful, and interesting as I had guessed from our prior brief encounters in the dance department at GVSU. Our intentions about the journey are similar, and I think it will be mutually beneficial. 

Since I really can't imagine what anything will be like after May 1, what I've begun to realize is how much we (all of us) make assumptions about the predictability of our lives. We assume that, because we've paid the bills we'll have the same place to come home to every day. And most of our experience bears this out. But we never know what will happen in the next minute. And now that I've cut myself loose from the predictability, I guess the certainty of the uncertainty is more present, more real. Sometimes I like this feeling, and sometimes I don't -- but I guess I'll get used to it!

I've been looking into co-housing, finding out more about what these communities stand for, where they are, and how people get into them. It's an idea that appeals to me, wherever I land. I've also been looking at possibly upgrading my vehicle before the trip. According to Gary, my trusted mechanic for many years, the Camry can make the journey; but it has almost 223,000 miles on it, and if I want to keep going by car after Seattle, I might want to get something with a little less wear and tear. If it happens, it happens.

Remy has had his checkup, and I've been visiting my health professionals -- had a gold onlay done at the dentist, had my eyes checked, and in a week I go to a new doctor (insurance was too expensive if I kept my old doctor) for a checkup before I hit the road. I'll get a haircut and get Remy groomed one more time right before we leave. 

I want to have a party in the nearly empty house, especially to thank people who have been so supportive and helpful (Annie and Maarten come to mind immediately) and to see lots of my beloved friends in one place before I go; but I don't know if I'll be up to organizing something while I'm taking care of departure details. If I don't do it, let all who read this know that I couldn't have done it without you!

1 comment:

  1. Love your journal so far. Can't wait to see your adventures on the road. Happy to host or help with a party for you before you leave. Know there are others who would help as well. Linda Jones
