Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Back on the bike - an more notes from Ithaca

Sunset on the way back from Adam's after our cookout on Monday evening.

It's Wednesday. Yesterday, to avoid the unbelievably huge, steep hills at the bottom of which lies Ithaca, I drove out to Abby's place which is north and east of the city. There, I put Remy in his new bike basket, donned my helmet and sunglasses, and set off north from Abby's house just to ride. I even took an unknown turn which turned into a gravel road, so I had to come back, but it was that kind of ride. All in all, I went around 10 miles. It felt really good, too.

Then I went for a swim at Taughannock Park, which was interrupted by a call from my health insurance agent, who needed me to go home and access the Marketplace on my computer. :( At least we got that taken care of.

Later, I drove downtown, parked, and walked around while waiting for Abby to finish work. I ended up at Gimme Coffee on Cayuga, and who should come walking along but Adam. The two of us strolled downtown, met up with Abby, and had some great tapas and a drink at Just A Taste. Delightful. I probably won't get to see Adam again this trip, as he's working 3-11s right now. He had Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday off this week.

Today, I had an appointment scheduled with a psychic who lives in Groton. Her address is about 9+ miles from Abby's, so I drove out to Abby's again, loaded Remy up, and biked to her place. And I made it back! I had hoped that Abby would want to go swimming with me, but she had a long, busy day. When asked what she would be doing if I wasn't here, she admitted she would go home and crash. We had some supper, and then I saw her off on her way to her car.

A view from the road on the way back from Groton this afternoon.

I followed Armin's directions to "the best bike shop in Ithaca," which happens to be near my Airbnb. They put a water bottle cage on my new bike for me. I had hoped we could mount my flag, as well, but the new back rack doesn't have the supports that run down to the axle, so there's really not a good place for the flag. I guess I'll only be able to use it when I use the cart. Glad I met the Swan guys at their shop, though. New water bottle cage, mounted, for $5.

I'm getting some laundry done this evening. It's time to start thinking about packing up and heading back to GR. I have an appointment in the morning to talk with a realtor from the area, a friend of Abby's and Adam's. After that, I believe I'll take a little trip to Skaneateles, at the north end of Skaneateles Lake. Abby and Adam enjoy this little town, which Abby compares to Saugatuck. Since it'll be just Remy and me, I don't suppose I'll be there all day, so I'll clean out and reorganize the car when I get back to the Airbnb. Trader K's has a sidewalk sale starting tomorrow, but if Abby's not too beat when she gets done at 9:00, perhaps we'll go for a drink. And we're planning on breakfast on Friday before I leave, too.

I still have to figure out where to stay when I get back to GR, and someplace to park my car while we're gone to the Carolinas.

Abby on the Ithaca Mall.

An interesting bug, identified by Dawn Highhouse on FB as a "stump stabber." Apparently harmless.

Looking toward the channel from the back of the Ithaca Farmers Market on Sunday.

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