Friday, July 22, 2016



Syracuse is pretty spread out, with a lot of outlying communities, sort of like Grand Rapids; but it seems like it has more highways connecting the parts, and one of them is a toll road. Fortunately, I got to know my way around fairly quickly and was able to avoid the toll road.

The eastern side of New York state has a lot of names that are either Native American or Roman -- Rome, Troy, Ithaca ... Onandaga, Seneca, Cayuga ...

I might have liked Syracuse better if #1) I'd stayed at a nicer hotel in a better part of town, and #2) I'd had someone to do stuff with/show me around. As it was, meh.

Seeing Abby is a gift.

I continue to have trouble self-motivating. In the beginning of the journey, every day was an adventure. I was in places I'd never been, doing things I'd never done. Now that I'm back in more familiar territory, I feel stuck again. I know, this too shall pass.

Remy doesn't like people, but they will keep trying to touch him.

When a person marries and has progeny, the family tends to gravitate toward one side or the other (husband or wife). Rarely does the family maintain the same quality of relationship with both sides. There isn't time. Sometimes geography is an issue. And usually one group just "fits" better than the other.

Parents often hold a family together, long after the children are grown. Once they are gone, a whole new paradigm exists. In my family, my brothers and I have been separated for many years by geography and ideology. As are children are growing up (or grown), we have made more of an effort to be part of each other's lives; but as our children begin forming their own family units and we become grandparents, taking on new responsibilities, I wonder whether we'll be able to continue to grow closer or fade from each other's lives for the most part.

If I insist on eating junk (which for me is grains, potato chips, and the like), I will have to give up time to feeling lousy. I will meditate on some way to recognize when I'm about to eat comfort food that makes me feel rotten, and perhaps a key word or physical cue to change my behavior.

I'll be really glad to get to Ithaca, maybe just because it's familiar. I know where to find things. I know how the roads work. I know where to swim and bike and walk. It's a very walking and biking friendly place.

I'll spend some time this next week preparing to return to GR 7/29-8/1 and 8/12-?. There are people I want to see, but it's just a visit. I'm not staying.

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