Sunday, July 3, 2016

Farmers market, flea market, Pasadena - last day in LA

I chatted with my host, Joan, this morning about the possibility of my coming back to LA and actually becoming a roommate, if LA changes the laws about Airbnb. Apparently, there's a movement to require that landlords give permission if tenants wish to rent rooms on Airbnb. She doesn't think that hers would do so. Having me around would serve a couple of purposes. It would bring in extra income for her, and she'd have someone around who could help with things like grocery shopping, errands, etc. Joan is perfectly capable of doing these things for herself, but it's nice to have a friend around who cares.

Around 10, I made my way to Alice's and found a parking space less than half a block from her building. Those of you who haven't spent any time in LA don't know what an amazing thing that is. We've actually had some pretty great parking karma while I've been here.

Alice, Remy, and I headed for the Farmers Market and met Jess there. We got a coffee off site, and then walked around the market, taste-testing at various vendors. Because we were going to be nibbling as we traveled around today, I purchased some oysters for my initial meal.

The vendor gave me an assortment of low to medium saltiness.

I also came away with dates and organic fruit. The prices are amazing on everything except the prepared food. When I got a shish-kebob with salad and a drink, I felt like I was eating at Festival. $17! But it was good!

We had a great conversation with some mushroom growers. That's something I would enjoy learning more about.

Purchases in hand, we headed off to the Flea Market, all three in one car. Alice dropped Jess and me off and drove around to find a parking space. We wandered a bit, looking at the interesting and unusual wares. I spoke at length with a young man and woman selling essential oil sprays that were energized and balanced for particular chakras. One kind young man gave me a bottle of water so I could give some to Remy, who must have looked thirsty. I carried him quite a lot to spare his feet from the blacktop. I also chatted with people who created hand-made shoes, using recycled airplane tires for the soles. They had leather uppers. I really liked them but decided not to spend $120 on the spot.

One of the tree-like jade plants growing in front of Alice's building.

Because Alice had to get ready to be at a 5:00 wedding in Huntington Beach, we called it a day at the Flea Market and headed to our respective "homes." Remy and I had just enough time at Joan's for me to change clothes and give him a little walk. Then we hopped back in the car and drove to Pasadena to meet Francesca Amari (a friend who has relocated from Grand Rapids to Palm Springs) for an early supper. I got there a bit early, Francesca arrived about 3:40, and her friend, Kate, whom she had also invited, got there about 4:30. We enjoyed a lovely meal and lots of conversation. 

I returned to Joan's to find her relaxing after spending the day with a friend who has Parkinson's and takes a bit of work to get around. It sounded like they had a lovely day, though. I had been wanting to surprise Joan with a piece of Key Lime "Pie" from Cafe Gratitude, as sold from a nearby juice bar. So off I went to Clover to get it. Unfortunately, because of the holiday weekend, they were out. So I got a couple of nut milk beverages and two unbelievably decadent, agave-sweetened chocolate bars.

I will finish off my day by packing up my belongings which have gotten quite spread around over the past week. I will be sad to leave Joan, and if something works out for me to return, I will be happy to spend more time with her.

I just had to show you these ridiculously long green beans!

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